Study in Pittsburgh

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    1.7 million
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Why study in Pittsburgh?

Pittsburgh is the second-largest city in Pennsylvania, USA. It’s known as ‘the City of Steel’ thanks to its key role in the US steel industry, but it’s also famous for it’s more than 400 bridges.

Students living in Pittsburgh can enjoy all the amenities of a major US city. It’s packed full of cultural attractions, including theaters, museums, and galleries, and has a wealth of shops, restaurants, and bars too.

Pittsburgh lies in the shadow of Mt Washington and is situated between the Monongahela and Allegheny Rivers. The city has an international airport that connects Pittsburgh with other major US destinations and the rest of the world.


Universities in Pittsburgh

Pittsburgh is a well-known center of education and is home to a range of public and private institutions. As well as high-profile universities and two-year colleges, you’ll find specialist art institutes, culinary schools, and theological seminaries.

What to study in Pittsburgh

With Pittsburgh’s industrial heritage and hundreds of bridges, it’s no surprise that civil engineering and materials engineering majors are in-demand.

The city is also known for its teaching and research excellence in healthcare fields, especially pharmacy, nursing, and biomedical sciences.

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What is the cost of study in Pittsburgh?

Undergraduate tuition usually costs between $33,000 and $46,000 in Pittsburgh. Graduation tuition fees typically range from $23,000 to $29,000.

You can expect to pay $350-$600 on housing every month, but your exact rent will depend on where you live and with how many people. You’ll then need to make room for groceries, books, entertainment, and transport in your budget.

University with bags and stacks of money

How to study in Pittsburgh

Before studying in Pittsburgh, you must meet the entry requirements for the program and university you’re interested in. These requirements differ from university to university, but you need to complete your secondary education as a minimum.

You could also be asked to take a TOEFL or IELTS language test if you’re not a native English speaker. Universities set their own pass and fail boundaries, so it’s worth checking these out first.

After receiving confirmation of your place, it’s time to start applying for a US student visa. You’ll need this document to legally live and study in the US.