About us

We make studying abroad simple

We help international students find their dream university online and universities find the best students to enroll at their institution.

Seven students having a discussion at a table

Who are we?

Founded by two best friends with a vision to fuse their passions for technology and education to create something amazing.

We have big dreams and are on a mission to make studying abroad possible for any student. That's why we don't charge students to use our service, support charities and plant trees to compensate for the CO2 created by flying.

Student outside university with learning materials

Our mission

Maximise the likelihood of a student getting offers from their chosen universities abroad. We exist to:

  • University with a tree

    Make education inclusive and ensure every student has the opportunity to study abroad

  • Two students

    Increase the employment and career prospects of students across the world

  • Megaphone with speech bubbles

    Give students the opportunity to develop their language and communication skills

  • Globe with pinpoints

    Increase intercultural learning by providing the opportunity to experience life in a different country

How we help students

We help students find and apply for their dream university online.

Our online advisor simplifies the university application process. Students get a highly personalized list of courses and universities to match their qualifications, aspirations and budget.

Students are supported from application to enrollment by one of our NAFSA trained, multilingual student advisors.

Four students walking together

How we help universities

We're here to take the stress out of recruiting international students.

We currently help 400+ universities in 29+ countries recruit international students.

Two students having a conversation

How we help agents

We help you grow your education agency by saving you time, managing university relationships, and delivering transparent stress-free communication. You'll gain access to 400+ universities in 29+ countries and 29,000+ programs across USA, UK, Canada, Australia, and Europe.

Two students looking at a laptop

Our accreditations & partnerships

At Studee, we're constantly striving to enhance how we work and the service we offer. We seek top accreditations and partnerships to ensure we maintain and improve our high standards.

ICEF logo, AIRC logo and NAFSA logo

Using Studee as a force to do good

We officially became B Corp certified in January 2022. It's only the beginning of our B Corp journey and we are committed to doing business in a more responsible way.

B Corp certification logo

We're doing business in a more enlightened way - here's now

We are a small team with a big heart. We exist to empower young people and create new opportunities.

We're conscious that studying abroad can have a high carbon footprint. This is why we compensate for the CO2 emissions from flights taken by students who enroll with us by planting trees in our One Million Tree project

Trees for degrees logo on forest background

Studee careers

Want to join our mission?

We have an amazing team located across the UK and Ecuador who are passionate about making studying abroad and recruiting international student easy through innovate technology and amazing customer experiences.

Advisor talking to student on laptop