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Top film programs in Canada

What are the top film undergraduate programs in Canada?

See all undergraduate degrees in film in Canada

What are the top film postgraduate programs in Canada?

See all postgraduate degrees in film in Canada

Film degrees abroad

Learn more about studying for a film degree abroad, including typical program structure, entry requirements, fees and funding, and future career prospects.

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Student reviews for film in Canada

Anna Vagabova
ua flag
Studied Film at Sheridan College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning
Overall Experience
  • Academic
  • University social
  • Accommodation
  • University facilities
Tell us about studying film in Canada

We do a lot of hands on learning which is exactly what I was looking for. Professors do the lectures but also, bring examples from their experience and I find it very useful. Most of profs are in the film industry and have a great experience and practical knowledge. They know how to do things not only in theory but they were actually doing it on their productions and sets. Plus, we have amazing supervisors who help and support us 24/7. Honestly, they do much more than they are obligated. They do it because they are passionate about our projects and it is reflected in our final product - our short documentaries, or narrative shorts that we do in Sheridan College.