Code of conduct and ethics


Studee’s code of ethics and business conduct outlines our expectations regarding the behavior of our team members towards other members, customers, stakeholders, and the wider society.

Our company stands for the core values of synergy, honesty, and integrity. As such, we expect all team members to be directed by the same values in their judgment and behavior.

Open communication and expression should be guided by the desire for a respectful, safe, and collaborative working environment.

This policy applies to all team members regardless of job title or employment type.

Compliance with law

Team members must work to protect the company and its legal interests by complying with all environmental, trading, safety, and privacy laws.

Safety in the working environment

All team members should respect their colleagues, supervisors, and customers. Any discriminatory behavior or harassment will not be tolerated.


Team members must show integrity and professionalism in every aspect of conduct.


All team members including the customer support team must not make promises we cannot deliver when speaking to or communicating with other team members, customers, stakeholders, and wider society.


All team members should fulfill their work with integrity and respect toward our stakeholders. Team members are discouraged from accepting gifts from clients or partners for the benefit of another party. Any gifting above the value of £50 has to be flagged to our compliance officer as per our policy.

We are all expected to avoid any personal, financial or other interests that may interfere with the quality of our work.

Care for our environment and sustainability

The climate crisis is one of the most important issues of our time and we all have a shared responsibility to take action. We support and promote sustainable practices through our work for the community and the environment. Team members should also treat company property and their physical environment with respect and care. Statement of Ethical & Sustainability Principles.

Discplinary actions

Team members who repeatedly or deliberately fail to follow our code of conduct will meet appropriate disciplinary action.

Following a clear warning, team members who persistently show improper behavior may face demotion, reprimand, detraction of benefits, suspension, or termination.

Legal actions may be taken in cases of theft, embezzlement, corruption, and other unlawful actions.